Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Proud announcement

I'm very pleased to announce (a bit late) that I have a short story published in the latest issue of Fish Fingers and Custard, an excellent Doctor Who "fanzine" that is available for download or old fashioned paper editions. Just follow the link and check it out. My story is called "Mexico-A-Go-Go" and involved the 11th Doctor, Amy and Rory having a run in with some Mexican luchadors. Check it out.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Anime Doctor Who

Super Awesomeness!

Why is this awesome? If you have to ask this then you need to catch up on a lot of pop culture history. I'll do my best to lay it out for you.
1. It's Doctor Who and Doctor Who is always cool. Always! Even during the Peter Davison years.
2. It's Jon Pertwee (the Third Doctor). Most people would have gone with Tom Baker or David Tennant, but the producers of this bit of mash up beauty chose the incredibly under rated and amazing Pertwee.
3. If the TARDIS landed in Tokyo it would have to be like this.
4. Venusian Akido!
5. Both the Delgado and Ainley Masters. The thing dreams are made of.
6. The Cybermen, Dalek and Sontaran designs are outstanding.
7. Sutkeh!!!!
8. Nicholas Courtney as The Brig.
9. Sailor Moon gets cyberized.
10. Davros.
I love Doctor Who. I love it like renaissance fair nerds love cod pieces and fat chicks showing off way too much sun burnt cleavage. I loves it I do!
Since I'm in the midst of viewing my first "live" season here in the UK, I think I will give a review of this season so far after tomorrow's mid-season finale. Until then I damn sure will be watching the above clip a few more times!