Friday, May 6, 2011

Stone Structure's Terrorist Watch List

1. Robert "Bob" Iger: President/CEO The Walter Disney Company (2005 - Present) and President of ABC Television Network (1993 - 1999)

Why is Mr. Iger on my terrorist watch list. Well, lets take a quick scroll through his CV shall we? He joined ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation) in the early 1970s, when he himself was fresh out of college. He worked his ways through the ranks to eventually grab the top spot at the network in 1989. His time at the helm of ABC should be enough to put him on any lis. He is one of the chief architects of the network's "TGIF" block of entertainment that went on to lower the IQ of the American people quicker than a marathon of every Wrestlemania ever.

(Real Stupid!)
What shows were produced on his watch as an executive and later Prez of ABC? Here is a highlight real of some of his biggest crimes: Coach, Family Matters ("Did I do that?" Yes, and we hate you for it!", Home Improvement, Just the Ten of Us, Step by Step, Anything But Love, The Jeff Foxworthy Show and Cop Rock. If that was not enough damage to the mankind's collective conscience, he also played a huge role in the creation and continued support of two of the worst pieces of crap to ever pour out of a television; Perfect Strangers and Full House.

(Stupid Beyond Comprehension)
Granted, the guy did have a moment of clarity and gave the greenlight to Twin Peaks, but that alone can not redeem him.

As if this list of atrocities were not enough for him, Iger expanded his scope. In 1996, Disney bought ABC and Iger fit perfectly in with the corporation's view that a million stupid, shitty programs and movies are infinitely better than any one piece of quality work. 2000 saw him move up the food chain to become President of The Walt Disney Company. His ascent continued with him becoming President and CEO, upon the retirement of Michael Eisner, in 2005.
Iger's love for shitty art designed to dumb down the population and turn them into consumer zombies now had unlimited resources to exploit.

Here are some of the cinematic nightmares he is responsible for: Snow Dogs, The Santa Clause 2, The Haunted Mansion, The Pacifier, The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, G-Force and Old Dogs.

(In 15 years and our daughters are dressing like this camp skank fest- we know who to thank)

That's an awful list but the cinematic output of Disney is nothing compared to the wretched television programing/commercials they pour into our children's brains every day. Some of the worst: Hannah Montana, Jonas/Jonas LA, Wizards of Waverly Place, Sonny with a Chance, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and Lizzie McQuire! Parents know this shit. They know how it is designed to suck the imagination and originality from our chidren's minds and replace it with a laugh track designed to make their shopping trips to buy Disney merchandise even that more special!

(Sick beyond words!)

To add insult to injury, this fucking guy oversaw the take over of Marvel Comics by Disney in 2010. Marvel used to be a hip, cool company that was proud of its lack of ties to corporate parent companies. It seemed to free them up in some of their story telling when it came to their big name characters. Betcha' dollars to donuts that's over. How soon til we get a pre-teen skewed sitcom about teenaged Wolverine and his cute as pie mutant pals' high school hijinx and efforts to form a rock band? Oh, I bet pretty soon.

For even making the above a possibility, Mr. Robert "Bob" Iger is one of the worst terrorist to attack our culture. I condemn him to a life time of only being allowed to watch the terrible programs he has put out! This does not even factor in the fact that he is the one responsible for the whole "Disney Princesses" attack on little girls' self-esteems. This is guy is a first class fiend of the highest order.

("Be a subservient, vain idiot girls and life will be a dream, tee-hee!)

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